The Jewish Heritage Center of Puglia
The Jewish Heritage Centre of Ostuni:
Culture, Arts and Traditions.
Seder Dinner in Ostuni
The Pesach or Passover Seder is undoubtedly one of the most attended religious events after Yom Kippur, almost no Jew would want to miss this tradition of millenias. Jewish Heritage Puglia organizes each year a Seder on the first and second night in English to accommodate travelers and some locals that want to celebrate the festivities and make new friends ...
Il Seder di Pesach o Passover rappresenta senza dubbio uno dei momenti religiosi più attesi dopo lo Yom Kippur. Ogni anno Jewish Heritage Puglia organizza per la prima e la seconda sera un Seder in inglese per coloro che vogliono celebrare la festivita’ in compagnia di nuovi amici...

The Jewish Heritage Center of Puglia is a non profit organization founded by a group of friends from Italy, Israel and the UK, in order to promote the Jewish Heritage among the local population as well as among visitors from abroad...

A chance to see a rare Hebrew manuscript made in medieval Milan...
There could be no more appropriate period than Passover to turn the spotlight on one of the rarest and least known of Hebrew illuminated manuscripts: the Lombard Haggadah. Produced in Milan in the late 14th century, it is the earliest standalone Italian manuscript of this text, which tells the story of the flight of the Israelites from Egypt as chronicled in the Book of Exodus. The text sets the order of the Seder, the ritual meal shared on the first night of Passover, and its reading at the Seder table fulfils the commandment of the Torah to recount and deliberate on this day on the story of deliverance from slavery under Egypt’s pharaoh.
We organize Jewish Heritage Tours, cooking courses, seminars and events including the "Cooks for Peace Project".